
Lab/Shul is an everybody friendly, artist-driven, God-optional, experimental community for sacred Jewish gatherings based in NYC, reaching the world. The Lab/Shul community is dedicated to exploring, creating and celebrating innovative opportunities for contemplation, life cycle rituals, the arts, life-long learning and social justice. Building on Storahtelling’s vision and practice, Lab/Shul seeks to redefine the role of sacred gatherings that nourish our thirst for meaning, connection, spirituality and community.


The Secret City

The Secret City is an on-going performance gathering for people who believe in the arts. Part ceremony, part salon, part tent revival, each gathering has a different theme and features an ever-changing roster of artists and performers sharing work relating to the theme.

Each event has a visual art component, food offering, live music, guest performances, storytelling, community interaction, silent meditation, The Secret City Singers, special outfits and JOY, which is central to the mission of The Secret City.



Saint Praxedis Catholic Community is an inclusive, Christ-centered community led by a woman priest and functioning within the Roman Catholic tradition. We are an inclusive language community, welcoming all to the Eucharistic table. One need only come with an open heart. We are drawn together by this common mission:  “To build and nurture an active, fully sacramental Catholic community, to affirm diversity, to model a renewed priestly ministry and priestly people and to become Spirit empowered through prayer and a partnership model of leadership.”



The Least of These Church ( a Korean progressive church) believes that ‘the least of these’ are the people who are suffering and marginalized, exploited and oppressed in this capitalistic society and imperialistic world, the racial or sexual minorities, and the little people who seek to live for justice and truth (Matt. 25: 34-40). We call on our congregation to transform the unjust structures that perpetuate poverty, oppression and exploitation, and to collaborate with other congregations and organizations for participating in solidarity actions.