• Judson Memorial Church (map)
  • 55 Washington Square South
  • New York, NY, 10012
  • United States

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Proof of vaccination is required to attend.
Masks are encouraged when not actively drinking.

THE LONELIEST DJ by Simon Henriques and Skylar Fox

The Loneliest DJ is an unruly theatrical meditation on how we can live at the intersection of the fundamental desire to be truly seen by another person, and the all-consuming fear of the very same thing.

WOLFCRUSH by Haygen-Brice Walker

Wolfcrush is a Queer, full moon fever dream about cannibalism, werewolves, small-towns, big secrets, first times, sloppy seconds, and all the lies we tell ourselves to sleep at night.

AMPUTEES by Quentin Nguyen-duy

Split between the fall of Saigon in 1975 and current-day White City, Ohio, Amputees is a super-serious, really-somber, don't-even-laugh-once play about war, trauma, and the divide between first-generation Americans and their parents.